Friday, June 7, 2019

Why You Should Consider Investing in Keyless Entry for Your Home

Are you concerned that the locks on your doors aren’t providing enough security to fully protect your home and valuables? Many people are surprised to learn that the locks that come standard on most homes are relatively easy for a determined criminal to bypass with techniques such as lock-picking and “bumping.” Even if you upgrade your locks, your home might still be at risk as criminals are constantly learning new techniques to gain access. In addition, if you’re someone who has a habit of misplacing their keys, you may be looking for a more hassle-free way to protect your home. 

Once confined to commercial properties, residential keyless entry has become more widespread in recent years, and this trend is only expected to increase over time. Read on to learn more about whether your home may benefit from keyless entry.

Benefits of Residential Keyless Entry

The number one reason for upgrading to keyless entry is better security for your residence. Since traditional locks are vulnerable to many different forms of criminal attack, keyless entry can greatly reduce this risk. While no lock will 100% prevent all forms of criminal attack, keyless entry can improve your odds of keeping unwanted intruders out. 

Convenience is one of the most valuable perks of having keyless entry. Since there are no keys to worry about, there is no fear of losing or misplacing them. If you have a tendency to forget where you’ve put your keys or have them fall out of your pocket, you can rest easy knowing this risk is eliminated. Keyless entry is a convenient way to access your home that usually requires nothing more than the entry of a passcode or the use of a device such as your smartphone to operate. It can be much easier to get inside your property when you’re juggling arms full of groceries from the store. There’s no fumbling to get your key inside the lock. 

Keyless entry makes it less likely that you’ll lock yourself out of your home and need to call a locksmith for an emergency lockout service call. While there’s always the slight possibility that you may forget your passcode or have a lock malfunction for some reason, the risk is far less than that of manual locks and keys. Since physical keys can be stolen, that can also leave your property vulnerable. Even if your keys are returned to you in such a scenario, it’s very inexpensive to copy a key at the hardware store, and you could never be sure that someone else didn’t have access to your property unless you had the locks changed or rekeyed. 

With some types of locking systems, you can give out temporary passcodes to visitors and service workers. This allows you to provide short-term access to parties when you’re outside of the home that can be revoked when necessary. Many find this to be a much-preferable option to lending out spare keys.

Types of Residential Keyless Entry

  • Keypad Locks: Keypad locks are by far the most popular form of keyless security for homes. That’s because of their relatively inexpensive price, convenient no-frills use, and easy installation. There is a wide variety of styles and types of keypad locks to suit the aesthetics of every type of home. Keypad locks operate using a pin number which you enter into the numerical keypad. Keypad locks may have a physical keypad or a digital one.
  • Smart Locks: Smart locks have been hailed as the wave of the future when it comes to home security. Smart locks operate using an app on your smartphone. Smart locks can also be controlled remotely no matter where you are in location to your home. You can monitor access to your home and lock and unlock your doors from anywhere, which makes smart locks a popular choice for busy professionals. 

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